Exactly What to Say and Do Around Your Narcissist to Make Them Stop Hurting You and Leave You Alone… Using Secrets I Found Growing up With Narcissists in My Family

So they can’t corner you, yell at you or make you feel stupid again – because you always know what to say and do around them

I miss my brother.

I haven’t seen him in over 6 years.

We’re not mad at each other.

We’re as different as people can be, yet we get along great.

It’s just reaching out is hard. He’s got a strong personality.

You’d probably like him.

And even if you didn’t, you’d still respect and maybe even admire him.

He’s that memorable of a person.

He’s saved my skin a few times too. Like anyone with a good brother knows.

Fighting neighborhood bullies. Looking out for me and protecting me from bad people.

We walked to and from school together every day.

I remember getting up to watch Saturday morning cartoons. He’d be there before me with my smores pop tart ready.

It was fun and an honor growing up with him.

He’d never say it, but I’ve seen in our home videos he’s been taking care of me ever since he first held me when I was a baby.

And we’re not as close anymore.

It doesn’t help we live on opposite sides of the country. And that he doesn’t like talking on the phone.

He probably thinks it’s because I don’t reach out.

Maybe he’s right. Maybe I don’t try hard enough.

Or maybe it’s that other “thing” only you and I know about…

You know, those people who suck up all the air when they walk into a room until you can’t breathe?

Yep. My family is crawling with 3 narcissists. Each one a master of dividing and conquering my family.

And my brother has no idea.

Even though he’s scary smart…

He can’t see they’re fooling him right under his nose.

They love to target him too. He’s prime real estate.

Narcissists make sure he stays on the “other side.”

The side where friends and family think narcissists aren’t real.

He just thinks they’re jerks. Dangerous mistake.

So I haven’t seen him in over 6 years.

And I haven’t met my baby niece.

If he knew what I’m about to show you, I think we’d be closer now.

Maybe that day will come.

Until then, I want this crucial info to help you against narcissists.

And keep you from losing someone you love to a narcissist’s smear campaign.

Because here’s the sad part…

What I’m about to show you is going to get me in trouble.

Narcissists are going to read this page and use it to isolate me from my brother even more.

Because they don’t want him to know the truth.

They’ll bombard him with phone calls and one-way conversations until he believes I’m the bad guy.

And it’ll work because he doesn’t know what they’re doing. He’ll just sit there and take it.

Then he’ll believe them and think it was his idea all along.

Why does it work when narcissists do this to the people you love?


This is going to sound silly…

Ever use a Rubik’s Cube?

Kind of hard to solve if you don’t know how it works, isn’t it?

Now imagine trying to solve it in the dark. When you can’t even see the colors.

You can twist and turn all you want, and it won’t matter because you can’t tell if you’re solving it.

That’s what it’s like when you don’t know what to say or do around a narcissist.

You just say something and hope for the best. And you never know if it’s the right thing.

You’re flying blind. Usually right into a brick wall.

Because you’re playing a game they created. You’re completely in the dark and can’t figure them out.

And when you do the wrong thing, they say things so mean it feels like they’re cutting your skin.

Now imagine I tell you the exact combination of twists and turns to solve the Rubik’s Cube.

You can do it easily, even in the dark, because you know the answers.

Talking to your narcissist is exactly the same

You need the right combination of words that “solve” them so everything makes sense.

By seeing how they’re going to hurt you and saying the right thing to cut them off before they do it.

You only find those words by spending years with them. In pain.

You have to know narcissists better than they know themselves to fight them off without feeling sick and emotionally drained.

And you can do that. It just takes years out of your life.

Years of pain and misery living in hell with a narcissist.

Making mistakes they make you pay dearly for.

Because narcissists make you learn the hard way so you never learn.

That’s why you always take an emotional beating before you overcome them.

Unless you take a shortcut

A blueprint telling you exactly what to say and do when they come for you.

An exact script for countering everything they say to hurt you.

That exposes and shuts down every trick they pull.

Sounds nice.

How do you actually do it?

You can’t. Or at least you couldn’t until today.

Because there are no guides on how to talk to narcissists. No one’s written down exactly what to say to a narcissist before.

I’ve known a lot of narcissists. I’ve also helped thousands of people dealing with narcissists.

And I didn’t think a “narcissist cheat sheet” telling you what to do to beat them could exist.

Narcissists are unique right? A shortcut against them shouldn’t exist because it wouldn’t work on all narcissists.

At least that’s what I thought…

Until I asked my readers what they’re going through. And I found something weird…

They told me all the ways narcissists hurt them.

And the situations narcissists create to make them suffer.

So I started writing out the best thing to do in each case.

And I saw a pattern. The pattern to your narcissist’s abuse. A pattern that shouldn’t be there.

It was like solving the Narcissist Rubik’s Cube in the dark. It sounds impossible until you realize 1 combination solves every narcissist.

It turns out all narcissists:

And there are specific ways to react to each.

Like solving a Rubik’s Cube. You just do the right things in the right order.

And it works because narcissists are inflexible. They can’t adapt.

They have a “sick psychology” that takes a long time to figure out.

It makes them really good a hurting you.

And it’s also:

Your Narcissist’s Achilles Heel

Because they do the same things over and over again. So it only works when you don’t know how to solve it.

When you do, it’s all over for them.

The narcissist is just a lock around your neck. Squeezing tighter and tighter.

It’s suffocating and feels impossible to get out of.

You need the combination to unlock their grip around your throat.

When you try to resist, it hurts worse.

If you fiddle with the dial, you’ll find the combination and free yourself eventually.

It’ll be messy, yet it’ll work. I’ve seen it. Narcissists can’t beat an iron will. They’ll crumble right when you think they never will.

However, it feels like taking a hammer and chisel to the lock around your neck. It’ll work eventually, just be scary and painful.

Or you can use this key I found talking with hundreds of victims of narcissists to get out now

Then you can unlock their hold on you. And they can’t do anything about it. Because it’s a loophole in their sick psychology they can’t change.

And it’s not just a bag of tips and tricks.

It’s the best ways I’ve found to stop their abuse, get away from them and recover from the emotional scars they give you.

Because I poured over hundreds of emails to build it.

Then refined it to a fine golden key to escape the narcissist’s lock.

It’s taken longer than I expected.

And now I’ve finally collected all the right moves to say and do against a narcissist.

It’s a narcissist conversation guide, though I like to call it Narcissist Cheat Sheet.

Because it shows you everything you need to say and do to solve them. By exposing their tricks and using their weaknesses against them.

There’s just 1 problem…

This Cheat Sheet puts a target on your back.

Because it turns you into a truth seeker. And narcissists in your life won’t like it.

They’ll isolate you and badmouth you to family and friends even more.

So I don’t know if I want it available forever.

Because people who don’t know how to use it might hurt themselves.

It’s a powerful tool against narcissists. It can also be dangerous if misused.

Giving everyone the answers when they don’t understand how narcissists work and how they really think…

Could lead to disaster. So I won’t do it.

However, I think Narcissist Cheat Sheet will do you more good than harm.

Because it shows you exactly what to say and do when a narcissist:

  • Emotionally assaults you and won’t stop
  • Do this when they get in your head and you can’t get them out. It always works because it reverses how they got in
  • Makes you feel like you’re living in hell on earth with them
  • How to avoid giving them a narcissistic injury so they don’t go berserk
  • Tells you how awful you are
  • Treats you like the worst person in the world by overreacting to a minor thing you did or mistake you made
  • Acts like they’re the victim of your abuse and tells everyone around you, like family, friends and even outsiders to make you the enemy
  • Tries to guilt trip you into doing something you know you shouldn’t do
  • Threatens to leave you or stay someplace else for the night. This is what you should do (after having a party)
  • Do this when you feel like you’re walking on eggshells and jump at every little thing they say. This will help you breathe again in your own house without them attacking you
  • How to reclaim your voice in the conversation and make them listen to you
  • Threatens to take money away and leave you destitute and helpless
  • Tries to bribe you to get back into your life
  • Says a compliment to lure you in, then abruptly stings you
  • Says a mean thing out of nowhere just to hurt your feelings
  • Puts you in a dangerous situation
  • Turns your friends and family against you
  • Cheats on you (they probably are)
  • Uses love against you by claiming if you really loved them or the family, you wouldn’t fight them so much and just do what they want
  • Tries to get you arrested and thrown in jail with their lies
  • What makes them attack you and tries to hurt you physically, and what to do if they become violent
  • How to tell when they’re lying to you and what to do when they lie to your face, or tell other people lies about you right in front of you
  • Attacks and berates you out of nowhere
  • Threatens your family or friends
  • Tells everyone how bad you are behind your back. They always do this. This is what you should do
  • Do this when they make up stories or misremember something about the past to make you look bad
  • Pretends to not hear you or ignores you outright
  • Phone etiquette masterclass. Narcissists are nuts about talking to you constantly and use against you to control you
  • Threatens to hurt you or someone you care about
  • How to defuse any situation with a narcissist using simple words that will send them crawling away with their tail between their legs ashamed
  • Make them regret doing something mean to you and think twice about ever doing it again
  • Puts you in a back and forth relationship where they act like you’re together and then act like you’re not, depending on how they’re feeling right then
  • Say this when they corner you and embarrass or shame you in front of other people
  • Stands you up or leaves you hanging somewhere after failing to keep an appointment with you
  • Narcissist cheats that show you a shortcut through your narcissist’s chaos so you don’t have to spend years of your life with them in emotional hell
  • Breaks the law and puts you at risk, or even frames you for it
  • How to know when they can become violent and try to hurt you
  • Hurt someone close to you, and threatens to do more if you don’t do what they want
  • Say they love you then destroy you. Put you down and smash your heart into tiny pieces
  • Get you excited by giving you something and then taking it away to disappoint you
  • The Opposites Principle that makes narcissists uncomfortable and relieves pressure they put on you. Then makes them back off without getting angry
  • Defusing a narcissist’s anger so they don’t become a timebomb waiting to blow you up with them
  • Remember this when they say something so cruel it makes you feel empty, hollow and numb inside
  • When they drop an atomic bomb about family or money to send you into panic and control you
  • Delaying appointment, wasting and disrespecting your time
  • Throw a surprise curve ball to screw up your plans. Become a monkey wrench in your schedule to make you revolve around them. I hate it when they do this and this makes them stop
  • How to hold the moral ground so you’re the good guy and not them
  • How to turn the spotlight back onto them so it’s not on you all the time
  • Attack you emotionally out of nowhere without any warning at all
  • What are they hiding from you? More than you could ever know… here are a few things you should expect so it doesn’t surprise you if you find out
  • How to act around a narcissist to not set them off and make them regret it when they come after you
  • Say something awful then say something almost nice to hook you back into their web
  • Countering the narcissist smear campaign against you when you try to tell other people about them
  • Why it isn’t your fault, even though you’ve made mistakes and feel like it’s all on your shoulders (you’ll feel so much better after mastering this)
  • How they twist up a topic to turn it in their favor, and how to twist it back and put the bad light on them
  • When to go no contact and when not to
  • How to stop getting that fuzzy, anxious feeling crushing your chest and draining you when you’re around them
  • Getting their toxin out of your system and keeping it out. And building up a tolerance and immunity to it when they do manage to get you
  • What makes a narcissist melt down, and what keeps them together. So you can get some control over their outbursts and make them more stable
  • How to get them out of your head and heart for good. How to stop obsessing over them, thinking about them and letting their cruel words fill your head
  • Say this when they accuse you of being a narcissist and doing what they’re doing
  • How to scare them out of your life instead of being their prey they keep chasing
  • How to leave a narcissist and when you should. What to do when they become unbearable to live with and you have to leave
  • Makes you feel like you’re invisible (sometimes this is good and sometimes it’s really bad)
  • Leave you and come back out of the blue, expecting you to accept them and carry on business as usual
  • Say this when they ask you personal questions that are rude and offensive
  • Mess with your money and make stupid decisions with it
  • Pressure you into doing something you don’t want to do
  • When they tear you down and rip you apart from inside so bad it almost puts you on the floor
  • Narcissists say they care about family so much. They’re really the biggest family splitters. Here’s what you should do when they try to rip the family apart and turn them against you
  • When to act dumb, weak or lose to make them comfortable
  • Becomes a toxic ghoul so mean they leave you shaking and feeling sick
  • Narcissist Conversation Guide. How to really talk to a narcissist and not feel like a burn victim afterward
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Warning: the information in Narcissist Cheat Sheet is powerful and affects narcissists deeply. Keep it a secret from them. It’ll still work even when they know it, but keep it to yourself for your own safety.

The narcissist is like that mean teacher you had in school.

And their abuse is a test you have to pass to get out of class. And they want you to fail.

The narcissist’s abuse is a test you have to pass to escape. Passing the narcissist’s test is easy when you know the answers already.

Sure, you’ll learn to pass their tests eventually. It’s just painful and takes a long time.

And it’s the hardest way to do it. You usually fail the first few years and are “held back” and stuck with them.

I’m the bratty kid in class who’s stolen the answer sheet to all the tests.

And is slipping it to you under your desk. So you always know the answers and pass.

Skipping years of emotional torture struggling to find these answers on your own.

Because narcissists make you miserable. You don’t want to waste your life on them.

They’re also dangerous.

So I want you to know the best things to do now. To avoid painful mistakes from saying and doing the wrong things that trigger them to be abusive.

Normally the right things take time to learn. Because you can’t understand narcissists overnight.

This is the cheat sheet to beating narcissists. With complete answers to all their tricks ready for you to use.

It’s an overwhelming power over narcissists you can use right away without suffering years like I did.

Showing you exactly what to say and do and when.

And it’s so unique:

I’m Not Sure Something This Powerful Against Narcissists Exists Anywhere Else

Other things I’ve written you could learn yourself after years of study.

And after blood, sweat and tears with a narcissist – because they will make you bleed for your freedom.

Yet I don’t think Narcissist Cheat Sheet exists anywhere else.

It shows you all the ways the narcissist is trying to trap you. And how to escape each one.

And it works because it includes everything narcissists do.

Just watch what your narcissist does.

Look it up in Narcissist Cheat Sheet. Do what it says.

These are the ways they’re hurting you now and exactly how you should respond.

I’ve got the answers ready for you. With complete scripts ready for you to use.

Just say them.

The narcissist won’t be a puzzle or mystery anymore.

Overcoming a narcissist is like walking through a maze. You wander in accidentally, take a wrong turn and get lost. Suddenly you realize you’re trapped and don’t know where you are in the narcissist’s maze. You start panicking. If you put your hand on one wall and follow it out you’ll escape. It’ll just take a long time and you’ll hit every dead-end before you find the way out. Narcissist Cheat Sheet is a map showing you the turns you need to make to get out of the maze now, no matter how lost you are in it. It takes your hand wherever you are now and gently guides you out.

You won’t wonder what to do when they do something mean. You’ll just know.

And you won’t be afraid of saying the wrong thing and making a mistake they hurt you with.

Narcissist Cheat Sheet gives you the “missing pieces” and shows you where to put them.

And I never learned this in any book. So I don’t think you can get this by reading.

Maybe you can get it from therapy. I’ve met some good therapists over the years. I never got this info though. Not even close.

And I paid $60 an hour. For 1 session!

I’m asking just $17 for Narcissist Cheat Sheet.

Or I can ship you the spiral-bound book version for $27.

So you always know what to say and do to the narcissist.

And never be surprised by them again.

Sure, they’re going to catch you off guard sometimes.

With a mean comment. Or surprise problem.

You know that. It’s what they do. Right when you don’t expect it and have no time to think.

It won’t matter. Because you’ll know exactly what to do.

And it must work for you now or it’s free.


Narcissist Cheat Sheet Will Tell You Exactly What to Say and Do Against the Narcissist Hurting You Now or You Must Get a Full Refund and Keep It Free Forever

After you download Narcissist Cheat Sheet.

Or get the physical version.

Narcissist Cheat Sheet is a digital PDF file you can read on your computer, tablet or smartphone. So there’s no shipping to pay or waiting for it to come in the mail. You download it immediately after purchase. I’ll also email it to you. Then you’ll have this information in minutes to help against the narcissist bothering you now.

Look it over.

When the narcissist comes knocking, do what it says.

It must be the best (or only) narcissist conversation guide you’ve found.

It must knock them off their feet in a way you’ve never seen or you must get a full refund and keep it free forever.

There’s no time limit. This policy lasts forever.

That’s how sure I am Narcissist Cheat Sheet will work for you.

I’m not joking.

Take all the time you need to see it work for you. Though it should work immediately.

It must protect you from them now and 10, 20 and even 30 years from now. Or you must take your money back at any time in the future.

Because I know how confusing narcissists are.

It’s hard to see what they’re really doing. Even when you know it.

Narcissist Cheat Sheet will prove itself to be a lifesaver keeping you from being sucked into their black hole of abuse.

By reminding you:

What Your Narcissist Is Really Taking from You


You think they take your confidence or self-love or something.

They’re really taking your hope for the future so everything seems bad.

Like it always will be. Like it’ll never get better. Like there’s no hope for you.

It’s a big fat lie.

Because you and I can’t imagine how weak they really are.

They have to move heaven and earth to control you and make it look like they aren’t trying to.

It doesn’t take much to expose them and break their hold on your mind.

You just need the key to unlock their abuse and set you free.

Without this cheat sheet, you’re trying to solve a 500-piece narcissist jigsaw puzzle by yourself.

And they’ve hidden pieces from you. The “pieces” that make the narcissist tick. That complete the picture.

If you keep looking for them on your own – taking the hits and watching the narcissist carefully – you’ll find those pieces eventually.

No matter how hard the narcissist tries to hide them.

And then take years figuring out where the pieces go.

Until you finish the jigsaw puzzle and solve the narcissist.

I’ll say it again: you can do that.

It’ll work eventually. It just sucks.

Because the whole time they’ll be:

Narcissists do this to keep you from finding the pieces you need to beat them.

The things you need to do to get away from them. The “missing pieces” in Narcissist Cheat Sheet.

They want to keep you trapped in their sick game.

It’s like you’re playing Narcissist Monopoly.

And you can’t win until you figure out the rules.

And while you do that, they’re taking over the board.

Narcissist Cheat Sheet shows you how to win your narcissist’s game

Showing you all the moves they’re going to make before they even know they’re going to make them.

And the moves you need to make to shut them down hard.

Now you’ll know everything your narcissist is going to do.

And how to beat them. Every time you follow it.

To get Narcissist Cheat Sheet and have the answers to holding off your narcissist forever, click below now and enter your bank card, credit card or PayPal information:

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Click above right now so we can stop this person from hurting you together,

Scott Bassett

Founder, owner and operator of SC Publishing Company

PS Free Bonus Gift Narcissist Q&A Answers the Biggest Questions You Have About Your Narcissist

There are some questions I get over and over.

I try my best to answer them. And I’ll continue to do so.

However, if you want the answers in full depth – and all in one place – I answer them in Narcissist Q&A.

Questions like:

  • “Struggling to decide if I should go no/minimal contact or have them in my life? What should I do?”
  • “Why do they act like they love me and want my love only to attack me out of nowhere and say the meanest things to me?”
  • “How do they hurt me so easily and casually without even trying? Do they care at all?”
  • “How they look so normal or even wonderful in public. Especially when compared to me?”
  • “How do they endlessly twist a topic until it’s in their favor? How are they so manipulative in conversations?
  • “Why does it hurt me so much to talk to them?”
  • “Do they have feelings like a normal person at all?”
  • “What do I do when I feel endlessly hopeless and out of faith?”
  • “I’ve done everything I can to stop the emotional pain and get my life back on track and have failed. What can I do to feel better and move forward with my life?”
  • “Why do they have so much life then suddenly feel hollow like there’s nothing there? Which one is real?”
  • “Will my life ever be normal again? Will I ever feel okay after what they’ve done to me?”
  • “Can they love me at all? Will they ever love me?”
  • “How can I tell if they’re lying or not?”
  • “What happened in their childhood that made them like this? Is it intentional or beyond their control?”
  • “Why does everything seem so effortless and easy to them?”
  • “How do I make it impossible for them to control and get to me?”
  • “How do I get them to stop controlling me and leave me alone?”
  • “How do I fight them off and break their hold on me?”
  • “How do I stop relapsing back into a relationship with them?
  • “How do I recover from the trauma and emotional damage done to me.”
  • “What should I do about the anger I feel for the injustice and wrong done to me? It’s like they do evil and get away with it!”
  • “How many types of narcissists are there and where is mine on the spectrum?”
  • “Have I wasted all the time I invested in them? Was it all for nothing? Did it just hurt me and make me weaker?”
  • “How do I stop feeling so lost, disoriented and stuck in a fog around a narcissist?”
  • “How can they be so nice and suddenly become a horrible monster?”
  • “How do I shorten the discard phase (when they leave you) and not make it hurt so much?”
  • “Is there anything I can do to help them? Should I even try?”
  • “Will they always search for a new victim?”
  • “Why do I keep letting them back into my life when I know they’re going to destroy it and hurt me?”
  • “How do I protect my child/family from narcissists trying to hurt them?”
  • “Why does it feel like they’re always right and their prophecies about me come true? Are they right?”
  • “How do I break the emotional and psychological hold they have over me? Making me jump flinch when they question my confidence and self-esteem? Am I just that weak and easy to read?”
  • “Are they born this way or do they become narcissists? How?”
  • “How much of this is my fault? What could I have done better?”
  • “Is there some way I can save the narcissist from themselves?”
  • “Who’s the real victim: me or the narcissist? Why does everyone think the narcissist is the victim and I’m the abuser? How do I change that?”
  • “Do they ever feel guilt?”
  • “Why do they love what I hate?”
  • “How can I stop being so scared of them?”
  • “What can I do long term to protect myself from narcissists? What do I need to change about myself?”
  • “What will happen to them long term?”
  • “Why do they say something awful then say something almost nice?”
  • “Why do they tell me they’re the only one who could ever love me?”
  • “Why does it feel like they’re choking me even when they aren’t touching me?”
  • “Why are they this way? What happened to them?”
  • “How do I get away from them forever?”
  • “What about my family? What can I do to help them against the narcissist?”
  • “Do they love me? How do I know?”
  • “Can they ever change?”
  • “How do they reflect their self-image onto you so you think it’s yours?”
  • “Why me? Why do they target and come after me?”
  • “How do I justify my divorcing a narcissist with God?”
  • “Do they think about killing me? Would they do it?”
    (I’ll answer this one now. Yes, I think they do think about it and would do it under the right circumstances.)
  • “I can’t get the narcissist’s voice out of my head. It’s driving me crazy and I’m desperate. What should I do?”
  • “I miss them terribly and am emotionally attached. How do I get over them?”

Answers to these questions will finally be in your hands to overcome the narcissist in front of you.

I don’t even know how much Narcissist Q&A is worth to you.

Or how long it would take to get this information on your own.

I’m sure someone else answers these questions somewhere.

Still, I think I could charge at least $27 for it and probably $37. Maybe more.

And today I want you to have it free with Narcissist Cheat Sheet. It’s just that useful.

I don’t know what I’m going to do with Narcissists Q&A or Narcissist Cheat Sheet.

It all depends on how people use them (and another thing I’ll tell you in a second).

I reserve the right to take it down if I need to.

If you need this owner’s manual on narcissistic abuse, get it now while you can:

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PPS There’s one more thing that shouldn’t surprise you…

I’m going to get a hurricane of blowback for putting this page up.

Because you’re reading it. Which means the narcissists in my family are too.

And they’re going to use what I said about my brother against me.

They’re going to tell him what I told you and pressure him to have a problem with it.

They’ll tell everyone how “worried” they are. To show I’m wrong about them because “they care.”

I’m going to get a call like:

“We’re really concerned about you.”

Then they’ll put my brother on the phone in front of them to make him uncomfortable.

And pressure him to disagree with me and tell me I’m wrong. And he probably will, because he’s under the narcissist’s spell.

If they’re really smart, they’ll pretend to bring us together. While still interfering.

Because narcissists are gatekeepers.

They control the flow of information and determine what gets through and what doesn’t.

Judging you and telling everyone what’s good and what’s bad.

And the information in Narcissist Cheat Sheet is bad for narcissists.

It can’t exist in their world. It’s too dangerous.

And you can only find it on this page.

So they’re going to try to take it down.

I don’t know how they could do that. I just know to never underestimate narcissists. Especially these narcissists.

They can destroy anything. They could find a way to shut me down.

They want to take my voice. They don’t want this information available.

Because it’s not okay to have a problem with them. You have to accept them as angels or you’re a bad person who needs to be shamed.

And they’re doing the same thing to you. Because you’re a truth seeker too.

When you don’t believe what they say and share the truth, you’re the bad guy who must be punished.

They don’t want us to be human. They want us to hide in fear like mice.

And I don’t care anymore.

They’ve taken every other speaking platform in my family. They can’t have this one. This is the only place where it’s okay for me to talk about them.

I’ll fight for it as long as I can.

However, there’s another way Narcissist Cheat Sheet could disappear.

If anyone misuses Narcissist Cheat Sheet and hurts themselves or anyone else…

I will take it down. I won’t let my information hurt people. Period.

Recently a less-than-pleasant subscriber said something like:

“You’d never actually take anything down that makes you money.”

If you believe this reasoning, you’d think you don’t have to get Narcissist Cheat Sheet now.

You’d assume you could just get it later.

However, I’ve removed several things because they’re too much trouble.

I stopped giving private consultations because they were too much work.

The only things I promise are results and refunds. Not what’s currently available.

Get what you know you need now while it’s right in front of you:

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Or get a spiral-bound book shipped to you here

Still Not Sure?

You may have some questions I can answer…

“I’m afraid you’re just a sleazy salesman trying to get my money. Why should I trust you?”

I’ve lived with narcissists most of my life. I know how terrible they are. And how painful yours is, even if that’s hard to believe.

I think Narcissist Cheat Sheet will help you feel better now. By showing you how to stand up to them and cut through their abuse.

So I’ve given you every reason to try it.

Still, I don’t want you to get it unless you think it’ll help you.

And I don’t need you to. It’s not about me.

It won’t change my life. I’m already pretty happy. Especially without narcissists.

It could change your life though.

You can get what works against narcissists without having to suffer their abuse to learn what works.

Narcissist Cheat Sheet gives you have an opportunity I didn’t have. It’s what I wish I knew back then.

It doesn’t mean you have to get it. You just have a choice. Because you deserve a shot at freedom too.

“How do you know this will work on my narcissist?”

I don’t know it’ll work for sure.

It’s worked on every narcissist so far. And when it doesn’t, it’s because the person isn’t a narcissist.

Even then it’s still effective. It helps with all emotionally abusive and controlling people.

Because these “cheats” aren’t something I just thought up in an afternoon.

They’re time-tested methods me and my thousands of customers have used against narcissists successfully.

That said, there’s no absolute proof they’ll work for you.

That’s why you can have your money back whenever you want and keep Narcissist Cheat Sheet free.

I don’t want you wasting time with things that don’t work. You need things that do.

Narcissist Cheat Sheet is made to help you now. And it must or it’s free.

“Can I really get a refund whenever I want and keep Narcissist Cheat Sheet free? Why?”

Because it rewards me and makes both our lives easier.

I don’t lose anything because way more people will buy than ask for a refund.

So I gain from it.

Besides, I can’t actually keep your money from you. If you want a refund, you’re getting it.

All payments are processed through your card company or PayPal.

If you complain to them or they get a whiff that something’s fishy, they yank the money out of my account and slap me with a fee.

This is called a chargeback.

I’ve paid thousands in chargeback fees because people defrauded me!

So just ask me for a refund whenever you want and keep Narcissist Cheat Sheet free. It helps us both.

“Where can I get a refund or contact you if I have a problem?”

You can reach me at:


Just let me know your name, order email or order number and I’ll issue your refund.

That’s it.

To get Narcissist Cheat Sheet and know exactly what to say and do around a narcissist, click below right now.

Enter your bank card, credit card or PayPal account in our secure checkout.

Click submit and download Narcissist Cheat Sheet.

Or wait a few days for it to come in the mail.

Then start using these techniques to get them off your back now.

Click below right now:

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