I’ll never forget the day I realized my Dad was a narcissist.
My Mom woke me up early, while my Dad was on a 2-day business trip, and said:
“We’re going to the airport and taking a plane to Denver, and we’re not coming back.”
In less than 10 seconds, the life and security I’d known for 14 years collapsed around me. I was totally alone, with no hope things would be okay.
It was the most traumatic day of my life.
But looking back, I realize it was the only choice my Mom had.
My Dad was very abusive. The kind that makes you feel like shrinking to the size of an ant, crawling under a rock and never coming out.
And since I grew up with it, I didn’t know any different.
It’s strange though: everyone who knows my Dad doesn’t think of him that way. To most people he’s just a nice, well-meaning and ordinary guy.
So why did we flee halfway across the country from him?
I know now that’s because he’s a narcissist.
Unlike other abusive people, narcissists are sneaky.
They work behind the scenes and never in the open. They emotionally threaten and scare you into doing what they want.
They use fear, guilt, and shame to weaken you and force you under their control.
Do you know someone who makes you feel this way? If so, you know that awful feeling doesn’t go away after the abuse: it cripples you for the rest of your life.
What’s worse is that anything can trigger that feeling at any time, and re-open those old wounds again.
But they don’t have to be your parent to hurt you, as in my case. They can be your boss, coworker, friend, sibling or spouse.
That’s what makes narcissists so dangerous: they’re usually the people closest to you. They “hide in plain sight” so you don’t even know they’re hurting you.
And you probably won’t know it’s happening, just that you suddenly lack confidence, feel horrible about yourself and can’t do anything right… and there’s no hope of getting away.
You may even believe, and are told, this person is god for you… yet you feel in your gut something is terribly wrong with them.
It isn’t rare either: it’s happening all the time — and I bet you’ve been, or currently are, a victim to it.
And unless you know exactly what narcissists do and can identify them, you’ll never know they’re ruining your life. But you’ll always feel it, like a poison running through your entire body.
I’m going to take you inside this person’s head so you can see what they’re doing and get them out of your life so they never hurt you again.
Which is why on this page, I’m going to show you the 3 most important signs of a narcissist - so you can spot a narcissist and get away before the abuse starts, or identify one you’re wondering about right now.
I’m here to reassure you that:
I spent the first 14 years of my life in an emotionally abusive home with a narcissist.
And even though I got away, the crippling damage was already done.
The deep scars from that abuse hurt for years… through unhealthy habits like letting abusive people into my life (and heart)… and damaging self-talk I learned from my Dad.
But you can be prepared where I wasn’t. If my Mom had known what the problem was and what was in store for us, she would have gotten me and my brothers out of the situation a lot sooner.
And if she had known this 1 sign that narcissists can’t hide, we would have escaped before it was too late:
A narcissist doesn’t care about you, only cares about themselves and deliberately makes you feel bad about yourself.
There are no exceptions. Narcissists can’t let you feel good because they only feel good when you feel bad.
They make disturbing threats and scare you to death because it makes them feel powerful and in control. Your problems aren’t important to them — you’re just a landfill for them to dump their problems.
They really like it. It makes them feel good to hurt you, and they won’t stop until you’re a dried husk crawling on the floor.
You may be wondering if only intimate relationships apply. The truth is narcissists can be anyone.
A friend, coworker or even a family member may have this disorder — as in my case.
But no matter who they are, they always make you feel bad about yourself. That’s their greatest weapon: undermining your self-confidence.
And the way they do it is so subtle that most people miss it.
Just remember that a narcissist will always leave you with an empty, hollow and uncertain feeling deep in the pit of your stomach.
So I want to ask you:
Want to hear something surprising and a little disturbing?
The American Psychiatric Association published the latest edition of its manual of mental disorders on May 18th of 2013, and narcissism isn’t in it!
It’s bizarre and a travesty that some of the most dangerous people you’ll ever meet — for several reasons I’m going to show you — aren’t in this manual.
How do professionals not know this? Why did they let narcissists slip through their fingers?
I’ve collected everything I’ve learned about narcissists — from how they think to what they do and why — into a new guide The 16 Signs of a Narcissist.
Within its pages, you’ll discover:
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As you can see, this isn’t a packet of fluff. It’s a comprehensive personal guide to identifying and understanding narcissists so you can protect yourself from them.
It’s not a substitute for a doctor’s diagnosis. I’m not a psychiatrist.
But I do know a narcissist when I see one, and I sure as heck don’t want the same thing that happened to me to happen to you.
And I’m willing to bet 99% of psychiatrists haven’t lived with even one narcissist — or have half the firsthand experience I do dealing with them.
Just ask one of my happy customers, like Vicki Schramm, who said:
"Dear Scott, I think it's us that need to thank you! When I first purchased your book I was trying (for four years) to figure out what was wrong with the narcissist in my life. I got away from him when I read your book. Thanks again. You've sent two emails since then and after I received each of them this man tried to come back in my life. I was glad I had your emails to remind me of what I was about to let myself in for. You've done a great thing by writing this book."
-Vicki Schramm
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So you know narcissists are subtle — they use sneaky, covert tactics to control you.
They’re so good at staying hidden they fool most people… so you have to look with a critical eye to see it happening.
The key is noticing what they do and not what they say.
Telltale Sign #2 is they must be in contact with you most or all of the time.
Narcissists use talk to control you.
They brainwash you into believing they’re good people who can be trusted and respected.
And talk is the only thing that opens you up and allows you to be influenced by them without being suspicious of their intentions.
They love to establish themselves as an authority in your life so you’ll regularly confide in them.
Full self-disclosure opens you up to their controlling tactics, and that’s when the abuse starts.
They must also be in constant communication with you because they’re dependent.
They’re extremely insecure and need you to feel safe.
And they’ll do anything to make sure they look independent to everyone on the outside, including you.
Starting to sound familiar? Well…
I think this is one of the best resources for recognizing and understanding narcissists in the world.
I’ve known these people my whole life and lived with them most of that time.
I’ve been in the trenches, I’ve felt the insecurity and doubt and I’m recovering from it.
Few people have the experience I do. Fewer still took that experience and learned from it, sharing that knowledge with others in the same situation.
So if you even suspect you know or live with a narcissist, this will tell you right now and remove your confusion.
It’ll answer questions bouncing around in your head, like:
“Is this person a narcissist? How do I know for sure?”
“Why are they doing this to me? Will they ever stop?”
“Why do I always feel like it’s my fault? Is it?”
“Am I living with a narcissist? How can I tell?”
“What’s my best course of action, continue to associate with them or get away?”
Answers to questions like these (and many more) will finally be in your hands to solve your narcissist problems.
This isn’t a doctor’s diagnostic criteria you can find anywhere, or a lofty academic paper.
It’s an insider’s look at what it feels like to be abused by them every day.
It’s a practical way of identifying and protecting yourself from their abuse, and the only one in existence specifically designed for narcissistic abuse.
You can’t just read about narcissistic abuse: you have to experience it from someone else’s perspective, then relate it to your own life.
It’s the only way you’ll understand your abuse, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do for you.
You won’t just read it, you’re going to feel it and instantly see how it applies to your own situation.
I had to write it like this because it’s the only way you’ll understand this material and what you’re going through.
Then you’ll get out of your situation as soon as possible.
So when it comes to real-world insider experience, listen to someone who knows what it feels like to be a constant victim of narcissistic abuse everyday… because they’ve been through it all before.
It’s exactly what you would tell yourself after a bad experience with a narcissist before you suffer unbearable abuse and pain.
It’s information from someone just like you, for you. Someone who was in the same situation you’re in and beat it, and now you will too.
And unlike me, you can stop it now before the abusive cycle starts, or stop it if it’s already started.
I have to warn you: the information in this guide will change the way you look at people forever.
"Just wanted to let you know that you're doing a great job. The last narcissist I dated took me 3 months to recognize what he was. Shortly after I met another one who I recognized immediately. I'm just very grateful that I can recognize it. Your book helped a lot. Thank you and good luck."
-Trudy Evans
From your boss at the office to your sister-in-law on holidays… you’ll never see them the same way again.
That’s because you’ll be like me and my customers: hyper-aware of narcissists trying to scare you into doing what they want.
You’ll instantly notice who has good intentions for you, and who doesn’t.
Suddenly, your world will turn upside-down. You’ll be happier, but some people won’t be who you thought they were at all.
It’s going to shock you and take some getting used to.
It’s also extremely life changing and liberating. You’ll feel overwhelmed by this new power and control you have over your life.
You may not be ready for it. The sudden surge of control and self-confidence you’ll feel will empower you to live in a way you didn’t know you could. You’ll be happier and more certain in yourself and your decisions.
Because if someone’s manipulating you, this’ll take you “inside” their head so you know for sure – like a crystal ball showing you exactly what they’re thinking and how they plan to hurt you next.
And it’s not available anywhere else, because no one like me has written about narcissists “from the inside” before.
So you’ll only find it here.
And just by reading it, you’ll know a narcissist when you see one - and be immune to the horrible anxiety and emotional pain they want to inflict on you every time.
So what’s the price to learn The 16 Signs, and take control of your life?
For me it was 15 years of emotional abuse and growing up in an unstable household… not to mention the time I spent learning the fact afterwards — and all the pain and trauma that accompanied it.
It gets worse. Even when you get away from a narcissist, they can pursue you relentlessly… for years.
After we began our new life in Colorado, my Dad pursued us — and defamed my Mom to family and friends for further isolation.
So I can’t put a price on what I’ve gone through living with narcissists.
But you will get away - and start building a better life for yourself - without going through the pain, agony and emotional trauma I did.
I’m asking $27 for The 16 Signs.
(Or $47 for a spiral-bound book I'll ship to you.)
And that’s only what you invest if it helps you identify and get away from your narcissist. If it doesn’t, it’s yours free.
That’s because:
That’s why I’ve carefully worked through each sign and equipped you with everything I’ve learned living with these terrifying people.
I’ve printed the manipulative schemes of every narcissist on the planet into a 160-page personal guide — almost like you’re reading their minds.
I hand you the tools you need right now to defend yourself and get away.
Then, I give you the long-term outlook you need to protect yourself forever, so you’ll live a happier life without narcissists messing with it.
After you download The 16 Signs of a Narcissist, examine it carefully. You must feel it’s the best personal guide for identifying narcissists and protecting you from their evil behavior you’ve ever read.
You must be 100% satisfied and feel that it’s easily worth more than 10x your investment — or you must take your money back at any time in the future.
I’m serious — if at any time you decide it just isn’t for you or that it doesn’t accomplish what I promise it does, you must take your money back — no questions asked.
If it doesn’t protect you from your narcissist like a suit of armor, I don’t want your money and I’m putting it back in your wallet.
Keep The 16 Signs free with my thanks, even if you decide to get a refund, as my gift to you for trying it out.
That way you risk absolutely nothing when you try it.
But before you do, you need to know the 3rd and most important telltale sign…
You need to know this last, crucial piece of advice.
It’s narcissists never change.
Narcissists never improve, they only get worse and always hurt you more.
If you think you know a narcissist, do not tell him or her — it will only cause disaster and put you and your loved ones in danger.
They’ll deny the accusation, say you’re crazy and use it to shame you until you submit to force you fall back under their control.
They may even become physically dangerous and try to hurt you.
You’ll have played your best card right up front, and all for nothing.
You may think that you can talk to them about their problem, but you can’t. Narcissists only pretend to be rational people.
You can’t help them or change who they are — because they can’t accept who they are or what they do.
You can only get away from them.
And even when you do, you can fall right back into the same trap again with another narcissist, because you didn’t learn the first time around.
This means only you have the power to change the situation and stop the abuse forever. Only you can stop this madness.
The fact they can’t change means you have to. Only you can improve your situation.
You have to take action because you’re the only one who can take action.
The only way to improve your situation is to learn to recognize their behavior so you can avoid it forever.
And in order to take that next step and regain control of your life, you have to act on proven information — and I’d love to help you with this incredible resource.
And even if you decide to get a refund for any reason (or no reason at all), you’ll get to keep it — along with all of the information.
You’ll be so happy and thankful you did and breathe a big sigh of relief once you have it, because you’ll finally know who’s a narcissist for sure and how to scare them away from you easily.
To order The 16 Signs of a Narcissist and start freeing yourself from the narcissist’s abuse, click below right now and order with your bank card, credit card or PayPal account:
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No obligations and no time limit, just a free opportunity to turn your life around, starting today.
You can’t do any better than that.
To your recovery,
Scott Bassett
Founder, owner and operator of SC Publishing Company
P.S. This information isn’t for everyone. In fact, it’s only for a unique and very special group: people trying to identify a narcissist.
It’ll only make sense to you if you’re with, or know, a narcissist. And you should only invest in it if you are.
If that’s the case, it will save you from them and change your life like nothing else can, and fast.
But time is in very short supply, and every moment you delay the abuse worsens until I can’t save you.
Don’t let time run out! Don’t let them decide what’s going to happen to you. Get The 16 Signs now and watch it change your life. You know you need this guide.
That’s why you can try it and see how well it works for you, so you can feel it change your life right now — or get your money back if it doesn’t totally blow you away with its amazing contents.
You don’t have to say “yes” - you just have to say “maybe” and then experience for yourself how great your new life feels.
Then you’ll finally have the freedom you deserve without living in agonizing pain every day from this miserable person.
And I’ve got you covered even if you aren’t with a narcissist, because you can get a full refund whenever you want. Heck, you even get to keep The 16 Signs no matter what.
So if they’re not a narcissist, you’ll get your money back and not be out one cent. And at least now you know for sure.
And before you say you can’t afford it: consider the amount of money you’ll burn through to get 10% of this information from other books.
How many hundreds of dollars are you willing to spend for resources that can’t compare to this? They still won’t be anywhere near as good.
You’ll never get another chance to “look inside” a narcissist and “get” how they think… so you won’t understand them in-depth like I’ll show you.
You can’t lose. At the very least, you’ll get an extremely valuable book for free, but only if you act now.
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You get 3 free bonus reports with The 16 Signs:
10 Traits of the Narcissist
The Narcissist’s Psyche
Narcissists in Conversation
10 Traits of the Narcissist and The Narcissist’s Psyche will take you inside their head to help you understand what they do from how they think.
Narcissists in Conversation will demonstrate how they manipulate you in conversations.
10 Traits of the Narcissist breaks down exactly what narcissists do to you so you can identify this person and know for sure if they’re a narcissist or not…
The Narcissist’s Psyche takes you deep into their mind so you know exactly what they’re thinking and when they’re going to hurt you before they do it… you’ll always be 10 steps ahead of them with this.
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HOWEVER, I’m considering removing them in the future to use as marketing materials, separate products or bonuses in a higher-priced deluxe version… much higher-priced.
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The short answer is: yes I’m a real person and this is my life story. It’s all true.
This isn’t something I do on the side to make money. This is my career and calling in life. It’s my passion and what I do. I’m “in it to win it”, as they say.
This is our 5th year in business and if the past is any indication of the future, the future looks very bright indeed.
I don’t plan on stopping. My goal is getting the narcissist off your back and breaking their hold on your mind so I can stop that disgusting feeling they give you forever.
It’s absolutely for real and it helps us both.
It helps you by removing all risk and helps me by letting only the right people read The 16 Signs.
All SC Publishing Company products are backed by our “perfect” guarantee: if it’s not everything you wanted that I promised, ask for a full refund at any time and keep it free.
It’s not really a “guarantee” at all, but a demand. If it isn’t the answer you were looking for, I refuse to keep your money and you must take it back at any time, simple as that.
My highest personal goal is your success, and I can only do that with a great product I stand behind and believe in.
And you have to feel the same way for it to be true. You must experience that “a-ha” moment when you put it all together and see it work the same miracles in your life that it did in mine.
So if it doesn’t you must tell me so I can give you all your money back and let you keep The 16 Signs free.
If you’re trapped with a narcissist, The 16 Signs will become your “secret weapon” that reveals what they’re going to do to you and when.
It also protects you from narcissists by identifying them for you before they trap you.
The 16 Signs works so well because it’s so specific. It’s every sign you must know to identify a narcissist, like a detector in your hands that points them out to you and says: “Stay Away! This person is dangerous and wants to hurt you!”
It’ll save you from the narcissist right now AND protect you from them like armor for the rest of your life.
It’s easy, just email me at:
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Now let’s stop the narcissist’s plan to ruin your life before they succeed.
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