The information on this website will improve your life immeasurably. Below you'll find solutions to modern life’s most persistent obstacle to your happiness: soul-sucking, self-absorbed narcissists making it worse. You’ll learn how to identify and cope with the narcissists in your life.

All Narcissists are Passive-Aggressive

Narcissists are the most passive-aggressive people you’ll ever meet. Watch this video to find out why they are and how to spot it.

The Origin of Narcissists

Learn how a narcissist is formed from a dysfunctional family. I go into the basics of why they are the way they are and how the illusion comes about through emotional abuse and trauma.

Narcissists and the Polar Opposite Principle

Do you know how narcissists really feel? It all has to do with how they project themselves and make you feel.

Narcissists and Self-Victimization

Do you know this technique all narcissists use to manipulate you? Watch to find out!

3 Signs of Narcissists

In this video I’ll walk you through the 3 signs of all narcissists I’ve found from living with them.

Understanding Narcissists – Introduction to This Channel and How it Can Change Your Life

Hi there, welcome to Understanding Narcissists! I’m glad you’re here. In this video I introduce you to myself and explain why this channel will change your life if you’re looking for information on narcissists.

How to Free Yourself From a Narcissist’s Abuse in 3 Steps

This article will walk you through 3 crucial steps in recovering from narcissistic abuse in considerable detail. After getting away from narcissistic abuse, the next step is recovery. Especially with emotional abuse, it’s a very personal, arduous, conscious and sometimes painful but rewarding process. To an extent it happens on its own, unless you get… Read More

The 3 Tell-Tale Signs of a Narcissist

I hate to say it, but controlling, narcissistic and self-absorbed people are everywhere. They can be your neighbors, classmates, doctors, contractors, teachers, coworkers, bosses, friends and family. It is an essential skill, one that you will continue to develop throughout your whole life, of recognizing who is harmful to your well-being and removing yourself from… Read More